Dystopian Bounty Hunter & Assassin For Hire
In March, 2004, Tacit held a Dystopian Birthday Party and this was the costume I whipped up for it last minute, combining some of my past costumes and gear with a raid on Gumby's old military accessories. "Joreth" is an assassin/thief, so this is her incarnation in a post-apocolyptic world (as opposed to a fantasy-medieval world, which is where she was originally created).
Click on the thumbnails below to see larger images. Please do not steal these images. If you wish to copy these images, show these images on your own website or link to mine, please ask permission first.
 "Joreth" the Bounty Hunter. I had more weapons on my belt than any other person or cyborg at that party! Considering my usual techie belt, it's very fitting.
 Joreth takes aim at the camera. The guns were particularly fun. This one is an Airsoft Rifle, one of the most realistic pellet guns available.
 The backside. You can just see more knives peeking out under the tac vest, along with the dagger in the thigh-sheath that I made out of gaff tape.
 A closeup of some of the gear. Note the throat mic. This quite made the outfit! And what is a post-apocolyptic costume without fishnet?
 More gear. I don't even remember the full weapon count.
 The gear on the other side, including a hip gun holster (also made of gaff tape) and a boot knife.
 On my back, I count 6 guns, 2 knives (rather wicket hunting knives, too), and neat wavy hair.
 The final touch ... a wrist cuff with a selection of poisons and antidotes.
 This is an awesome image that Tacit took of me in my Bounty Hunter costume in ybor City. It has this beautiful brick wall with a convenient hook for handcuffs. I've been stripped of my weapons. I especially like that the gun is right there, just out of reach.
 Another image by Tacit, minus the shirt under the tac vest. It would seem my capturers have nefarious plans for their captive!
The Inn Between © 2002
